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OpenUp – New project to open up public procurement in Sweden
A project to support release and reuse of public procurement data is being launched by Open Knowledge Sweden and the Swedish Agency for Digital Government (DIGG), probably the first project in Sweden to trace and visualise public procurement patterns with the involvement of both data suppliers and data users. The Open Procurement project – funded […]
Read moreSweden to adopt Ukraine’s procurement practices
April 21, 2020 – Sweden is working on a potential project to launch an online platform with open data on procurement. As part of the joint project, Transparency International Ukraine will share experience of launching the Prozorro system in Ukraine and engaging the public in monitoring as it has been done with the DOZORRO community. […]
Read moreIn the midst of corruption scandals, Sweden stands without key data
March 19, 2020 – Sweden has no open datasets in key anti-corruption areas shows a study carried out by Open Knowledge Sweden. Sweden also ranks the lowest on open data release compared to other Nordic and Baltic countries, according to a report by the partner organisation Transparency International Latvia. Sweden is perceived as one of […]
Read moreSweden needs better coordination, skills and concrete incentives to drive the work on open data forward
Sweden needs better coordination, skills and concrete incentives to drive the work on open data forward The assessment of Sweden’s commitments in the framework of the Open Government Partnership (OGP)* has just been published. The assessment shows that Sweden’s third OGP action plan led to greater access to public service information. However, Alina Östling, the […]
Read moreOpen Knowledge Awards 2018
Nominations for Open Knowledge Awards for 2018 is Open! This year, in order to have better judgement of year 2019, Open Knowledge Awards for 2018 will be held on February 27th, 2019. You are welcome to nominate an individual, group, or organization for each category from now on. The schedule of the nomination process as […]
Read moreOpen data and the fight against corruption in Latvia, Sweden and Finland
December 7, 2018 This blog has been crossposted from the Open Knowledge Foundation blog. Transparency International Latvia, in collaboration with Open Knowledge Sweden and Open Knowledge Finland, has published a new study on open data and anti-corruption policies in Latvia, Sweden and Finland, showing that governments in the three countries could do more to leverage […]
Read moreOpen data and the fight against corruption in Latvia, Sweden and Finland
Transparency International Latvia, in collaboration with Alina Ostlng, Serdar Temiz and Antoni Mickiewicz from Open Knowledge Sweden as well as Aleksi Knuutila and Teemu Ropponen from Open Knowledge Finland, has published a new study on open data and anti-corruption policies in Latvia, Sweden and Finland, showing that governments in the three countries could do more to leverage the […]
Read moreWelcome to Open Knowledge Awards 2017
Stockholm, 2017/10/17 – Open Knowledge Sweden is pleased to announce the Open Knowledge Awards 2017. Open knowledge is knowledge, often in the form of data, available for everyone to freely use, reuse and redistribute without any sorts of restrictions. Open Knowledge Sweden envisions enlightened societies where everyone has access to key information in order to […]
Read moreSome basic information on Freedom of Information in Sweden
1. Transparent governmental structure: at the demand of the King! Sweden with its current population of 9.8 Million used to be a relative poor country, its wealth hasn’t been growing until 1870s. The King had to collect tax from very limited population to finance the consumption of his Government as well as his family—the reason […]
Read moreGästforskare från Kina studerar svensk offentlighetsprincip
Den kinesiska gästforskaren Xiaowei Chen är i Sverige för att forska om den svenska offentlighetsprincipen och jämföra den med den tyska och den kinesiska motsvarigheten. Både den tyska och den kinesiska är relativt nya i förhållande till Sveriges 250-åriga offentlighetsprincip. Syftet med studierna är att kunna ta med lärdomar hem till Tyskland men främst till […]
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