OKFN starts its first Academic event from Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. If you are interested in Open Innovation, Open Design, this event is for you.

“The Path Less Travelled: Traversing the Digital to Physical in Open Design”  by Dr. George Kuk, Nottingham University Business School

Welcome to this seminar in which George will present his research on open design that he is conducting on the thingiverse 3D printing community

Friday, October 25, 2013 from 10:00 AM to 11:30 PM (PDT) Indek- Seminarierum 443 Stockholm, Sweden

In digital fabrication, codes are used to describe design and even said to become the material themselves. Yet, despite the source codes being made freely available, seldom are they being printed into physical objects. An examination of 15794 designs on the thingiverse online platform reveals that 1369 designs with derivatives produced 12.28 times more than those designs without any derivatives. Further analysis suggests that when performative designs were expressed evocatively, they attracted significantly more creative resources and attention. Their derivatives, which seek to continuously push the limits of digital fabrication and 3D printing, are more likely to be printed. The fact that the derivatives of these designs are open and digital further amplifies productivity, thus expanding the Pareto frontier of the thingiverse platform and of open design.

10:00-10:15 Welcome and Short Presentation on Open Knowledge Foundation:

Serdar Temiz Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) Ambassasor- Sweden, PhD Candidate at Entrepreneurship & Innovation Division Indek

10:15 -10:55 Open Innovation/Open Design : “The Path Less Travelled: Traversing the Digital to Physical in Open Design”

Bio: Dr George Kuk’s research interests focus on open innovation and strategy in software, data, design, and platforms within the creative
industries. He examines the behavioural manifests of creativity and knowledge sharing to understand actors’ strategic interactions and how companies can attract these creative resources for digital and service innovation. Some of his current research projects include the exploitation and exploration of open design for business and the use of open API as a
strategy in the social media and mobile industry.